
5 Nutrition Tips for Combat Athletes

1- How to determine one’s nutritional needs?

5 Nutrition Tips for Combat Athletes – The diet adapted to combat athletes depends largely on their own energy needs and morphology. A healthy and balanced diet is essential in order to maintain a high level of energy during training and competitions.

Combat sports require energy, strength and endurance. It is best to determine these needs with the help of a health or nutrition professional to ensure you make the right choices at the beginning of your training program.

2- Which foods are preferred

Nutrition Tips for Combat

Vegetables and fruits

You will be able to eat vegetables at every meal. Very rich in fibre and a wide variety of nutrients, vegetables are perfect sources of nutrients throughout the day.

Fruits are also important because of their vitamin and mineral content. They help to replenish the stock of minerals required during physical exertion.


They play a major role in muscle building, and therefore in all combat sports. To do this, we can opt for proteins of animal origin: lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs… as well as vegetable proteins, derived from legumes and cereals.


When it comes to carbohydrates, it is important to choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, whole grains, sweet potatoes and all good sources of carbohydrates. Avoid products filled with sugars.

3- Eating well before training

First of all: do not train on an empty stomach. Especially during the last weeks of preparation. Training on an empty stomach under bad circumstances can have more negative than positive effects on your physical preparation. To avoid suffering from digestive problems during exercise, but also to optimize your nutrient reserves, it is essential to eat well before sport. The foods you choose to include in your meals are of paramount importance. Not too heavy to digest and eaten early enough, they will provide you with valuable help without weighing down your stomach.

4- During training

Choose the drink best suited to your effort. Drink water regularly and don’t wait until you are thirsty. If your workout is particularly long or intense, rely on protein. During a particularly intense and/or long physical effort, you should above all rely on the body’s reserves. If your diet is sufficient and balanced, you should have the resources you need to complete your workouts.

5- After training

After the effort, it is often advisable to wait twenty to thirty minutes before eating. Opt for a snack if the need arises, in order to replenish your glycogen stocks. Low glycemic index carbohydrates are a good solution, as are proteins, which help muscles rebuild. A mix of oats/ sweet potato flour + whey protein (or vegetable protein) can therefore be appreciated. You can also opt for a banana or a snack rich in good fats such as a handful of oilseeds (almonds, nuts, etc.).

5 Nutrition Tips for Combat Athletes

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